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Hemant's Interview

06 Nov 2020

Find your dream, and then risk everything to make it a reality’ 

                                                                                           - Author Unknown

No quote better describes the journey of Hemant Raulo and his foray into the men’s grooming industry in India! What began as a passion to change the perception of society towards male grooming is now a reality – Urbangabru! While I sat across the table, throwing question after question, a composed Hemant re-instated the need for quality grooming products for men in India. Here’s our tête-à-tête.

Me: So Hemant, what is the inspiration behind the brand?

Hemant: Rather than inspiration, I would term it as ‘need’. I recall going through dozens of men’s grooming videos on YouTube. Speaking of this, the general perception of the worldwide community was that Indian brands weren’t up to the mark. They weren’t good enough. This got me thinking. I wanted to do something that would change this overall perception and introduce an Indian brand that would turn eyeballs and cause disruption across the men’s personal care and grooming industry. And thus came Urbangabru.

Me: That must have left you with sleepless nights!

Hemant: (laughs) Indeed, but my passion outweighed everything else. The hours of labour spent then have borne fruit. You see, a little sacrifice goes a long way!

Me: Apart from disrupting the market, are there other reasons behind the emergence of the brand?

‘Find your dream, and then risk everything to make it a reality’ 

 - Author Unknown

No quote better describes the journey of Hemant Raulo and his foray into the men’s grooming industry in India! What began as a passion to change the perception of society towards male grooming is now a reality – Urbangabru! While I sat across the table, throwing question after question, a composed Hemant re-instated the need for quality grooming products for men in India. Here’s our tête-à-tête.

Me: So Hemant, what is the inspiration behind the brand?

Hemant: Rather than inspiration, I would term it as ‘need’. I recall going through dozens of men’s grooming videos on YouTube. Speaking of this, the general perception of the worldwide community was that Indian brands weren’t up to the mark. They weren’t good enough. This got me thinking. I wanted to do something that would change this overall perception and introduce an Indian brand that would turn eyeballs and cause disruption across the men’s personal care and grooming industry. And thus came Urbangabru.

Me: That must have left you with sleepless nights!

Hemant: (laughs) Indeed, but my passion outweighed everything else. The hours of labour spent then have borne fruit. You see, a little sacrifice goes a long way!

Me: Apart from disrupting the market, are there other reasons behind the emergence of the brand?

Hemant: Most definitely! Just look around – every boy or man wants to look and feel good. They want to groom themselves. However, either there aren’t enough resources at hand, or if they have access to such resources, pricing was an issue. Urbangabru addresses these problems by offering a range of men’s grooming products that are made from 100% natural ingredients. The best part is that our products are priced economically. And it doesn’t end there! We don’t just sell products; we educate our customers – on how to evolve into the best versions of themselves.

Me: Wonderful! So, where do you see Urbangabru in the next 2-3 years?

Hemant: A forerunner! THE leading brand for men’s care and personal grooming in the Indian market that provides innovative solutions.

Me: Well, thanks a ton Hemant. With the zeal you emanate, I am sure that the brand will scale new heights and be a trendsetter in this industry.

Hemant: We will Break the Boundaries!

Hemant: Most definitely! Just look around – every boy or man wants to look and feel good. They want to groom themselves. However, either there aren’t enough resources at hand, or if they have access to such resources, pricing was an issue. Urbangabru addresses these problems by offering a range of men’s grooming products that are made from 100% natural ingredients. The best part is that our products are priced economically. And it doesn’t end there! We don’t just sell products; we educate our customers – on how to evolve into the best versions of themselves.

Me: Wonderful! So, where do you see Urbangabru in the next 2-3 years?

Hemant: A forerunner! THE leading brand for men’s care and personal grooming in the Indian market that provides innovative solutions.

Me: Well, thanks a ton Hemant. With the zeal you emanate, I am sure that the brand will scale new heights and be a trendsetter in this industry.

Hemant: We will Break the Boundaries!

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